Friday, March 7, 2025

Compilation of short MORNING THOUGHTS.

Previously posted on my Facebook Page.

UKRAINE STORY. “Giveaways” or givens: Movements of troops mean budget; “restrained/controlled” human/property collateral damage ensue. Sadly, these are obligatories of geopolitical power play sans actual war. But let me get these facts out of the way: (1) 3.5 million Ukrainians work in Russia. Moscow is Kiev’s #1 trading partner. (2) Before Russian oil/natural gas exports reach Europe, they have to pass through Ukraine. Ergo: Russia and Ukraine are economic co-dependents. 

       Repeat: Russia and Ukraine are economic co-dependents, and so a bloody Russian invasion is not just stupid and costly but self-destructive. Both countries’ energy (oil/natural gas) lifelines would suffer, industrial village halts, and Moscow’s energy market juju gets hit badly—although many say Vlad Putin is using the drama to influence/manipulate fuel pricing. Could be. But the negatives outweigh the positives. Full operation of the Russia/Germany Nord Stream 2 (completed in Sept) has long been delayed. 

       Sure, there is an unresolved business issue between Kiev’s largest gas company Naftogaz and Moscow’s state-owned Gazprom, which funded 50 percent of Nord Stream. Both energy giants have been duking it out for years albeit via media but for the good of both their markets (which is mostly Europe, which is profit), they gotta fix it on the table. A war, again, is stupid—unless a bigger picture looms which brings us to the larger geopolitical power play that, of course, got Trump the whip in 2019. 

       Germany is the other huge investor in the Nord Stream pipeline. Austria, France, and the Netherlands are also involved. But to get the pipeline moving, Berlin has got to give the go-signal. But Germany has just installed a new Chancellor and a new ruling political party. This is post-Angela Merkel, who signed the gas deal in 2012. Apparently, Olaf Scholz isn’t ready yet. Meanwhile, why is President Biden so hot with “Let’s do it!” or “Defend Ukraine” instead of maximizing diplomatic channels? 

       From 2016 to 2020, the United States gained stature as #1 in oil production, oil export, and natural gas production. That’s what Trump handed Biden. But at this point, the U.S. is only #6 in natural gas export. Russia is #1. Russia is also #2 in oil production and about to unseat Saudi Arabia for #2 ranking in oil export. In other words, if Nord Stream goes full stream, Russia gains. I mean, come on! Why can’t they simply sit and talk for profit? No war? 

       The media pitch is Fear. Fear of more viruses, fear of more war. Justify NATO funding. After the Ukraine/Russia Nord Stream issue is resolved, then what? We go to the next pipeline firestorm: TAPI or Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India (TAPI) Pipeline. Meantime, there are 70 operating oil and gas pipelines that cross the Canada-U.S. border. Dig that? All this energy pipeline drama and then, what “climate change” are we talking about? Sarcasm. 🇷🇺☮️🇺🇦

Do you also notice that lighting is mostly dark in some TV series? I haven’t noticed the literal darkness until these past two years of pandemic, while we are mostly indoors, in front of TV. Research from Boston Univ reveals that depression has persisted into 2021, and even worsened, climbing to 32.8 percent and affecting 1 in every 3 American adults. I am cool though, just my old-age eyes get physically annoyed. But I get the “keep the funk deep,” here's a more dark + Zoloft upgrade. LOL! 📺🥺📺

With all the “protocols” and injuries in the NBA, the team roster should be 30 players. Payroll will spike. But games carry on. In the future, humanity will be on constant "virus protocol," Zoloft royale, but we will live longer. Yet weaker. Physically, mentally. We won’t even notice. Wellness foods are squeezed in pills. Athletes will be holograms, clones, or A.I.s Movies are shot in Mars, free of viruses. So we'll always have ESPN—and Netflix, Hulu, and AppleTV. Sweet! 🚀👽💊

Covid-19 vaccines are distributed for free in the U.S. You do not need to pay any out-of-pocket costs to get an authorized vaccine. Clear? But “free” isn’t really free. Vaccination “benefit” is paid for by taxes. Taxpayer’s money. Tax also goes to FEMA disaster relief that is still being awaited so Big Guy Morgan Stanley fronts the money, the $500 million annual payroll for Capitol security, the $18 billion initially handed to 6 drug giants for vax dev’t per Warp Speed, and the $770 billion military budget. 

       Most of the $770 Defense money also goes to “military aid” to allies of the United States, like the countries in Sub Saharan Africa. They get weapons out of U.S. tax money instead of vaccines. Only 4 percent of Africa is Covid vaccinated at this point--and before Covid 2020, 6 million people die there annually from various deadly diseases, most of which don’t have vaccines. Just cold facts, no political insight. 💵💉💵

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